Category: Tax competition

Ireland in trouble with EU over possible Apple Inc. (AAPL) tax haven

In an era when many companies seek international solutions that in simpler times might have been openly labeled “tax evasion,” governments around the world are seeking to ensure they are not cheated of legally due taxes by what is now euphemistically called “profit shifting.” Apple Inc. (AAPL) has been keeping… – Continue reading

Corporate Tax Dodging Another Capitalist Innovation

Competition takes many forms in capitalism. Financial engineering by corporations to avoid paying taxes is one aspect of this competition — under the rigors of market competition, evading responsibility is an innovation to be emulated. The magnitude of tax evasion on the part of multi-national corporations through one channel —… – Continue reading

EC launches Apple tax investigation

EC launches Apple tax investigation The European Commission has launched a formal investigation into Apple’s tax arrangements in Ireland The EC has announced three “in-depth investigations” into the transfer pricing arrangements on the corporate taxation of Apple, Starbucks in the Netherlands and Fiat in Luxembourg, as to whether they comply… – Continue reading

Dubai’s dirty shekel secret? Israelis saving pennies by hoarding money in the Emirate’s tax haven

With the end of banking confidentiality, many Israelis are fleeing the long arm of the Israel Tax Authorityto the tax haven of Dubai, which has no bank reporting. Tightening tax regulations in many countries, beginning with the US, requiring banks to provide information about their customers, or face sanctions, has caused people… – Continue reading

US Business Urges DTA Ratifications

The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) has joined with other leading business organizations in sending a letter to every United States Senator expressing support for and calling for expeditious action on the bilateral double taxation agreements (DTAs) and protocols currently pending before the Senate. The NFTC has emphasized that “adoption… – Continue reading

Data ‘dance’ seen as challenge to world corporate tax crackdown

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Cracking down on corporate tax avoidance sounds like a winner, and officials are working on it, but the practical challenges are formidable and they dominated discussion at an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development conference on Tuesday. The OECD, a Paris-based club of large economies, has an… – Continue reading

Italian Supreme Court ruling maintains arm’s-length principle must apply to related companies within Italy

The Italian Supreme Court ruled, on April 16, that all transactions carried out between companies belonging to the same Group, and all of which have offices in Italy, are subject to the arm’s length principle. Ruling No. 8869 confirmed once more the Supreme Court’s position already expressed through Ruling No…. – Continue reading

TRA starts to apply refined rules in cross-border transactions

The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has set up new tax determination guidelines aimed at providing consistency in tax administration on both domestic and cross-border transactions.The new system –“Transfer Pricing Regulation” will also provide taxpayers with insights on the procedures followed in determination of income tax, duty and levies in various… – Continue reading

Guidelines on Transfer Pricing – Frequently Asked Questions

What is transfer pricing? Transfer pricing refers to the terms and conditions surrounding transactions taking place within a multi-national company. It concerns the prices charged between associated enterprises established in different countries for their inter-company transactions, i.e. transfer of goods and services. Since the prices are set by associates within… – Continue reading

When corporations get too big to tax

The drive to scrap the corporate income tax won’t stop at zero. Wouldn’t it be nice if the government paid you on Tax Day? I’m not referring to getting a tax refund because you overpaid the federal government or a safety-net benefit labeled as a tax refund under the “Earned… – Continue reading

Majority of U.S. Offshore Profits Claimed in 12 Tax Havens

U.S. corporations have reported to the Internal Revenue Service that 54 percent of their offshore profits are earned in 12 tax haven countries that, combined, only account for 4 percent of economic output among all countries where U.S. corporations do business. A new report by the advocacy group, Citizens for… – Continue reading

U.S. Republican tax writers criticize global corporate tax project

Republican tax law writers in the U.S. Congress and multinational businesses on Monday said international talks aimed at preventing companies from moving profits to low-tax countries could hurt the United States. Representative Dave Camp and Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah warned of the effect on U.S. taxpayers from the Organisation… – Continue reading

WARNING: The ATO Is Aggressively Targeting Australian Companies Doing Business Offshore

International moves to shut down profit-shifting from high to low tax countries is starting to have an impact on Australian companies doing business offshore. A new EY report says these local companies are feeling the heat of a global trend of “increasingly aggressive” tax authorities. EY’s 2014 Tax Risk and… – Continue reading

Transfer Pricing: BEPS And New Documentation Requirements

Introduction Successive surveys of tax executives and senior finance professionals at multinational companies show that risks associated with transfer pricing have become the number one tax-related concern for businesses operating across several jurisdictions. Ernst and Young’s (EY’s) latest Global Transfer Pricing Survey shows that businesses are taking increasing heed of… – Continue reading

Stop bashing Ireland as a tax dodge: Ryanair CEO

Ireland has been “unfairly singled out” as a tax haven for corporations, Dublin-based Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary said Monday on CNBC. “I wish we were, but we’re not,” he said. As one of Ireland’s wealthiest businessmen, O’Leary also described as “egregious” personal tax rates there. “The top tax rate … is about… – Continue reading

US pivotal to OECD tax plan

IT’S BECOMING increasingly apparent that the OECD’s plan to reduce tax base erosion and profit-shifting, as laudable as it is, is hugely reliant on the US making significant and drastic alterations to its corporate regime if it is to be successful. The cases of Starbucks and Google have shown us… – Continue reading

Australia can’t stop multinational profit shifting in isolation

When Business Council of Australia chief Jennifer Westacott weighed in on plans for an Australian tax crackdown on multinationals last week, she warned the move could risk competitiveness and lead to companies being double taxed. Last year the Australian government passed new laws to prevent multinational companies shifting their profits to avoid the payment… – Continue reading

Tax crackdown on multinationals will stifle competition, says Business Council of Australia

A tax crackdown on multinationals including tech giants Google and Apple could make Australia less competitive, the Business Council of Australia warns. Moves by Australia to prevent profit shifting could lead to companies being double-taxed, BCA chief executive Jennifer Westcott told a conference in Canberra yesterday, which was attended by… – Continue reading

Here come the tax acronyms; FATCA, AEOI, specified US persons & the potential for a tax residence licence in your wallet alongside your driver’s licence

Here come the tax acronyms; FATCA, AEOI, specified US persons & the potential for a tax residence licence in your wallet alongside your driver’s licence Posted in Personal Finance April 15, 2014 – 07:22am, By Gareth Vaughan First we get FATCA then we’ll get AEOI. Apologies for the acronyms. FATCA… – Continue reading

Taxation impedes Johnson Report objectives: Macquarie

Australian tax laws are inhibiting the export of financial services and the nation’s development as an “international financial centre”, according to Macquarie Group. In its submission to the Financial System Inquiry, Macquarie said Australia’s tax provisions are becoming “increasingly detailed, complex and hard to interpret, making it difficult for businesses… – Continue reading

Irish Corporate Tax: Government begins publicity offensive on tax with irrelevant paper

Irish Corporate Tax 2014: The Government today issued what it calls a technical paper on effective corporation tax rates to effectively confuse the public by avoiding the key issues about its facilitation of corporate tax avoidance. It’s irrelevant to the core issues as it is simply trying to divert attention… – Continue reading

Corporate Tax: OECD’s Saint-Amans says “Double Irish Dutch” sandwich tax scheme will be axed

Corporate Tax Reform: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held a briefing and webcast at its Paris headquarters Wednesday on its Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project and Pascal Saint-Amans, the director of the OECD’s tax centre confirmed that “Double Irish Dutch” sandwich tax schemes, which involve… – Continue reading

Illicit Financial Flows deprives Africa of billions of dollars

ActionAid Ghana (AAG) said Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) was depriving Africa of billions of dollars each year, more than is received in overseas development aid or foreign direct investment combined. It said IFFs were commonly associated with criminal activity like drug dealing, smuggling or human trafficking, adding that the United… – Continue reading

Swiss tax allies falling by the wayside

The decision by Luxembourg and Austria to automatically exchange tax data with other European Union countries has isolated Switzerland in the global crusade against banking secrecy, a Tax Justice Network (TJN) expert tells The two European Union states caved in to demands last month by signing up to the revised… – Continue reading

A changing world

Recent discussions about the movement of capital and offshore accounts have to be a major cause for concern. During a Central Bank seminar recently, Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development, Donville Inniss, sounded the warning that compliance with the recently passed Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act… – Continue reading

Luxembourg Ordered to Give EU Tax-Deal Detail Amid Aid Probe (1)

European Union competition watchdogs ordered Luxembourg to hand over details of tax breaks for businesses after they said the Grand Duchy was hindering a state-aid probe spanning several EU nations. Luxembourg refused to deliver details concerning the 100 largest companies benefiting from a special program for companies whose profits stem… – Continue reading

Irish Corporate Tax 2014: How official spin and distortion works – in short-term

Irish Corporate Tax 2014: The current Irish governance system has remained unchanged through boom and bust and the addiction to political spin, distortion and sometimes lies, works at least in the short term while in some cases it has an enduring impact. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th president, it’s possible “to… – Continue reading

High Finance in a Low Tax Haven: Report from the Global Summit in the Bahamas

More than 150 attendees gathered at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas for the Global Financial Summit. Our theme this year was “Market Solutions to World Problems,” as opposed to government solutions. In this tax haven just off the U.S. borders, we gained some valuable advice. Peter Schiff, president of EuroPacific… – Continue reading